Monday, August 10, 2015

Swim Lessons, Suntundra Moon, and Josh Barnhart @ Stage Pink Aug 27th 6pm - $5

That Girl, Josh Reynolds, Derek Skellington, Caden Kisswell, and Aidan Candelario @ Helms Deep Aug 8th 6pm - $5

Folk Punk show of untraceable artists. A portion of proceeds go towards Meade Canine Rescue. The other proceeds to towards being able to put on more shows and ensue SLO has a future music scene. Please donate.

That Girl

Josh Reynolds
(Punk as FUCK)

Derek Skellington
(Derek Millner)

Caden Kisswell

Aidan Candelario
(The comedian)


Pancho and The Wizards, Royal Suns, King Walrus and The Magicians, and The Ragged Jubilee @ Loomis House April 25th 6pm - $5